105 Minutes Movie Review: Hansika's one-shot experimental film debuts in theaters, a unique cinematic venture

The narrative unfolds around Janu, portrayed by Hansika, navigating unforeseen events on a rainy day, setting the stage for a distinctive cinematic experience.

Jan 27, 2024 - 00:21
105 Minutes Movie Review: Hansika's one-shot experimental film debuts in theaters, a unique cinematic venture
Image Source: 105 Minutes

Hansika Motwani, known for her versatile roles, steps into uncharted territory with "105 Minutes," a film directed by Raju Dussa that adopts a unique single-artist, single-take approach. The narrative unfolds around Janu, portrayed by Hansika, navigating unforeseen events on a rainy day, setting the stage for a distinctive cinematic experience.

Screenplay and Narrative Dynamics: A Rollercoaster of Experimentation

"105 Minutes" embarks on an experimental journey, utilizing a one-shot, single-artist format. The film's strength lies in Hansika's commendable performance, where her commitment and nuanced portrayal elevate the character of Janu. The effective use of background music by Sam CS adds intensity to various scenes, successfully contributing to the film's overall ambiance.

However, the screenplay encounters hurdles, primarily in the form of repetitive scenes that impede the flow of the narrative. The film's experimental nature leads to a minimalistic dialogue delivery, initially intriguing but eventually contributing to an incoherent screenplay. The lack of conclusive resolutions in the preclimax and climax further hampers the film's overall coherency, leaving certain plot points unresolved.

Positive Aspects: Hansika Shines, Music Adds Depth

Hansika Motwani's performance emerges as the film's standout feature. Her portrayal of Janu reflects both commitment and nuance, effectively steering the narrative through the challenges presented. Sam CS's background music complements the storyline, adding intensity and impact to various scenes.

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Negative Aspects: Repetition and Unresolved Plot Points

Despite its experimental approach, "105 Minutes" grapples with certain drawbacks. Repetitive scenes become a roadblock, hindering the fluidity of the screenplay. The unresolved plot points in the preclimax and climax contribute to an inconclusive narrative, leaving the audience grappling with loose ends.

Overall Verdict: A Unique Cinematic Odyssey with Mixed Results

"105 Minutes" presents a cinematic odyssey with a mixed bag of results. While Hansika's performance and impactful background music stand out, the film struggles with an incoherent screenplay and unresolved plot points. The experimental concept, though commendable, doesn't fully materialize into a cohesive and engaging cinematic experience. Despite its commendable efforts, "105 Minutes" serves as a reminder that not all experiments yield universally positive outcomes.

In conclusion, Hansika's foray into the realm of single-artist, single-take cinema showcases the potential for innovation but also underscores the challenges in seamlessly executing such a distinctive approach within the constraints of a feature film.