Iran Mourns: Twin Blasts Claim 73 Lives Near Grave of Top General Qassem Soleimani

Despite initial speculation about gas canisters, statements from local officials affirmed the terrorist nature of the blasts.

Jan 3, 2024 - 20:10
Iran Mourns: Twin Blasts Claim 73 Lives Near Grave of Top General Qassem Soleimani
Source : Social Media

Two explosions, suspected as terrorist attacks, shook a ceremony at the cemetery where Qassem Soleimani, a top Iranian commander, is buried. The event in Kerman, southeastern Iran, commemorated Soleimani's 2020 death in a U.S. drone attack. Iranian officials confirmed 73 fatalities and 173 injuries, with reports suggesting varying causes from gas canister explosions to deliberate attacks.

 Red Crescent rescuers faced challenges evacuating the injured amid crowded roads. Conflicting reports on the incident's nature added to the confusion. State TV footage showed the aftermath, emphasizing the severity of the situation as hundreds gathered for the Soleimani anniversary.

 Despite initial speculation about gas canisters, statements from local officials affirmed the terrorist nature of the blasts. The attacks further heightened tensions in a region already grappling with geopolitical complexities.

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The international community closely monitors developments, while Iran contends with the aftermath of the devastating event, a somber reminder of the continuing impact of Soleimani's legacy.