ORS: A Vital Alternative To Sweet Drinks For Preventing Dehydration In Children With Summer Diarrhea

A recent report from NFHS-5 highlights that only 60.6% of children suffering from diarrhea receive ORS. 

May 28, 2024 - 23:30
May 28, 2024 - 23:31
ORS: A Vital Alternative To Sweet Drinks For Preventing Dehydration In Children With Summer Diarrhea
oral rehydration salts

The heat in India is at an all-time high and people are suffering from dehydration. Children are the most affected by this problem of increasing temperature as they are suffering from summer diarrhea. These days among children, Diarrhea is the third highest reason behind death. To get rid of this problem, the use of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) is necessary but a recent report from NFHS-5 highlights that only 60.6% of children suffering from diarrhea receive ORS. 

Dr. Mohsin Wali, Padma Shri, Consultant Physician, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, highlights the need to choose an appropriate ORS as the temperature rises, "Choosing ORS to manage diarrhea and water loss effectively is important to distinguish between ORS and commercially available sweetened drinks. Although these drinks provide some electrolytes and fluids, they provide rapid and effective hydration and contain adequate glucose-sodium for potassium imbalances, but they do not address the root problem of dehydration. Approved ORS are important for maintaining overall health and speeding recovery, especially in vulnerable populations such as children."

When suffering from diarrhea, it is necessary that you educate yourself before making any choices. You should go for WHO-approved ORS solutions over other drinks that contain added sugar and preservatives as they are not of any use when fighting against dehydration. By understanding the benefits of ORS and its proper use, we can empower individuals and families to become their own health heroes, especially during summer. This knowledge will help save the lives of thousands of children each year.

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Diarrhea causes rapid fluid loss, electrolyte imbalance, and dehydration. ORS is a simple yet highly effective way to replace these lost fluids and electrolytes, preventing complications and helping speed recovery, especially in young children. It is important to understand that ORS is safe and effective. Using the wrong salt or sugar mixture can be harmful. A proper balance of water and electrolytes is essential to properly manage dehydration. The wrong home remedies or sugary drinks can upset the balance. This can cause serious health problems, massive water loss, or in severe cases death. 

A public awareness campaign highlights the importance of WHO-approved ORS solutions to ensure proper hydration during summer. Prolite ORS, Dr. Popular brands like Morpen ORS or ORS Valyte ORS meet these criteria and offer a safe and effective way to fight dehydration.